Sunday 22 July 2012


Well doll, strange to think that this time last week (15th July) it was all over and my life with Robin Sharma had come to an end. For the previous six weeks the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari had occupied most of my waking hours. I would regularly pinch myself when I looked at his books on my bookshelf, not quite believing that on the 15th July I would be introducing him on stage for his Lead Without A Title Seminar, as a fundraiser for Hospice White River. Yup I had managed to get this quiet, unassuming man with huge Presence to come to the Lowveld. There was no amazing story attached to this, no unusual co-incidences or strange happenings. I just asked. And he came. Seriously. Well ok, there were some things that had to happen first, like paying him and signing a contract but we were committed and on the 15th July at around 9.15am I heard myself say "Ladies & Gentlemen - please welcome Robin Sharma". As people stood and applauded, I walked off stage. And promptly burst into tears (having "a moment" as my niece calls it). You know, I have been  great reader of self-help books for years. John De Martini, John Kehoe, Caroline Myss, Wayne Dyer, Robin Sharma, their titles fill my shelves. Always the quest for more self-understanding, to make a difference, to inspire others. Yet organizing this fundraiser for Hospice, bringing Robin Sharma here, has helped me to overcome some major personal hurdles. I mean, doll, if I can do this, what can I not do??? What else is possible?? As the enormity of the risk that I had taken sunk in, the fears bubbled to the surface in an incessant stream of negative-speak. What if no-one came? What if this was the biggest flop ever? What If What If What If......I was really forced to "walk the talk" and put into practice all the things my self-help books had told me. "Think from the end", "Stay in the present moment", "Allow the fears, don't surpress them. They will lose their power if you allow them to surface and acknowledge them". Surprisingly enough, it worked! Despite things like our local radio station being taken off air due to financial woes and not airing the interview about the event two days before it happened; despite other small challenges, I had a deep sense of calm and a knowing that this was much bigger than just a fundraiser and that it would all be OK (yes even the deficit, as we did not break even on the costs). Robin came, he spoke and he touched people in profound and deep ways. He brought a whole new energy to our part of the world. There was nothing special about the message - it is a message that every self-help book shares - but it is the energy of the man and the way he comes across, the way he speaks and writes, that is so powerful and reaches such a wide audience. This whole experience has been life changing in ways I don't even know yet. I realised a dream and in that I realised that dreams DO come true - IF you are prepared to take the action, do the work, face the fears and push your limits so far out that there is no going back. I did it. It is a day that will stay with me for ever. It is a day wherein through the greatness of another, I was able to embrace my own greatness. If I can do it doll, believe me so can you. So go on, be brave and step off that cliff. You will fly!! And if you don't believe me, here is the proof! The wonderful Hospice staff and volunteers with Robin and his business manager Jason.

Blessings to you.