Tuesday 15 November 2011


So I read a quote on my Facebook page today from the Dalai Lama and a sentence caught my eye "it is anger that is a sign of weakness". Now I have been thinking about this very thing for a while (it seems to come with age, this thinking, or "cogitating" as my husband calls it, about life because I seem to be doing it a lot lately!) There is SO much anger in the world right now. People ranting and raving and protesting and rioting, and just generally raging. Looking for any outlet for the anger they carry within. Now don't get me wrong, protesting for positive change is good, anger can be effective in getting people to take action (as evidenced by the tidal wave of support that sprung up for the 200-year old tree that TRAC wanted to cut down recently near Nelspruit to make way for a new road. So vociferous was the opposition that they agreed the tree could stay.) Apathy can be more dangerous than anger when you think about it. Yet I am reminded of the message in the film The Secret, that "what we focus on increases", "what we think about we bring about" and "energy flows where emotion goes". Mother Theresa saying "don't invite me to an anti-war rally, because all you will be focussing on is war. Invite me to a pro-peace rally and I am there".

Then I think (stay with me, doll, there is a purpose to this!) about things like the rhino poaching, Julius Malema, the corruption and any other number of other negative things going on in our world, and how very angry we get about them. I have to wonder - are we not increasing them because of the way we feel about them?? The more we focus on "fighting" the poachers, Julius, corrupt officials, are we not  in fact energising them?  If, as people like Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer & John Demartini are constantly telling us, we create our reality with our thoughts, then are we not creating this? If we are all "One", from the same source, part of the same collective consciousness, then can we not, collectively, change what is going on in the world by changing our thoughts? Or is that just too powerful for us to even begin to comprehend? Just a thought......

I made the decision recently that I was no longer going to respond or react to hate emails (awful one about Muslims doing the rounds at the moment), scare emails (dodgy Census reps, Hijack Hotspots,) emotional emails (horrifying pics of slaughtered, brutalized animals) because I feel, personally, that I am simply adding fuel to the fire and I choose not to perpetuate it. I choose instead to see the good in the world, those people who are making a difference, who are working for a better, brighter future. Yes, I believe we can do it, we can tip the balance, because just as humans are capable of incredible depths of cruelty and brutality, we are also capable of the most amazing love, compassion, generosity and kindness - and THAT's what I choose to see in people. And quietly, in my own small way, hold those whose soul light seems to have dimmed, who have forgotten their own divinity, in the grace and the love of God. Because if we are all One, then what is in them must also be in me. Which I now need to go and think about.... :-) Stay Blessed.

Monday 14 November 2011


My goodness, where does the time go? Is it really July since I "blogged". I have committed the cardinal sin (so say the experts) of not keeping my Blog up to date :-( The past 5 months have been something of a blur - so much to do, so little time!! Do you sometimes feel you want to reach out and just catch hold of time, the way you grab for the string of a balloon as it drifts through your fingers, to stop it? Time is like that - it stretches out in front of you, endless, eternal then in the blink of eye it telescopes into the tiniest bite. Life is unpredictable and, quite honestly, a bit crazy sometimes. We certainly live in interesting times! I love the Internet and all it offers us but sometimes it does feel like information overload. I am very blessed to work from home, a beautiful space indeed, and I am trying very hard to spend some time, even if it is just five or ten minutes a day, just looking at the garden. Am keen to do a silent retreat next year, time to stop putting off all those things that keep me grounded and centered! Why or why do they always end up at the back of my "to-do" list while I occupy myself with the unimportant "stuff". I yearn for simplicity and stillness and by Jove, I am going to get it!!!!! A dear friend who has survived two bouts with cancer and was recently declared cancer free, was involved in a serious car accident a few days ago and is now being kept sedated with bleeding on the brain and multiple fractures. Life is so precious, human existence so fragile, Live Life Now!